Sustainable production that helps our rainforest and communities development

El Bosque Nuevo was born as an answer...
Mariposario del Bosque Nuevo, was born as an answer and a way of raising funds to help preserve and protect forests. As a sideline project and solution, we are helping outlying countryside vendors, to sustainably grow and produce the best quality butterfly pupae.
We place and sell their pupae to conservatories around the world, and at the same time we spread the need to be aware, help and do something to change the way we are heading against nature.
Over 80 Costa Rican families from developing communities supply us with pupae. This has also helped this small business to create a better income and more local jobs. Besides the families and business we buy from, we provide our customers with pupae from our "in-house"land. We have 9 greenhouses in the farm, that provide a clean, predator free area for our butterflies to fly, feed, mate and lay their eggs. These flight areas have all the live plants that butterflies need to thrive.
We are very careful and consistent that the host plants for the larvae are planted under the established trees, and create the best conditions for the larvae, pupae and butterfly. We put the newly hatched larvae on these plants where they remain until they pupate, once the reach this stage they are ready for sale or restocking the greenhouses. It is important to highlight, that the life cycle of wild butterflies from the area hasn’t been altered or compromised.
Who we are? Our organization is formed by a team of 16 great workers, they all live nearby, and take care of the trees, host plants, and feeding of the breed specimens. The butterflies became a member of each of our staff families.

We are truly thankful for all the purchases and contributions made!
Butterfly Farm, Costa Rica